Zero Odor Spray Stain Remover 32 Fluid Ounce

SKU: 187490000045
(25 customer reviews)

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Zero Odor is a patented technological breakthrough in stain removal and odor control. This patented formula reaches into fabrics to lift and remove everyday household stains, while also actively seeking out and bonding with unwanted odor molecules, permanently converting them into non-odor molecules. Zero Odor’s® smart technology actively seeks out bad odors, while ignoring the smell that we consider pleasant- because those molecules have a different signature. Zero Odor’s odor eliminator products contain a fragrance-free molecular technology that chemically and physically changes odor molecules to permanently become odorless. This product eliminates the toughest and most stubborn odors while leavings no unwanted fragrance behind. Zero Odor can be sprayed in the air or on surfaces, and is perfect for pet bedding, flooring, furniture, artificial turf, grass, crates, and much more. Zero Odor contains no enzymes, and works through a patented molecular bonding process in which Zero Odor renders odor molecules odorless. Despite its unparalleled effectiveness, Zero Odor is non-allergenic, non-toxic, and safe to use around people and pets.
  • No more stains – remove organic stains and odors caused by beverages, food, dirt, smoke, urine, feces, vomit, and blood- permanently remove the stain and the odor from pee accidents, marking and worse
  • Eliminate odors, don’t just cover them – Zero Odor does not mask or cover up odors with fragrances or perfumes
  • Safe – our multi-surface stain remover is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and biodegradable it’s safe to use on pet bedding, rugs, carpets, furniture linens, etc
  • Freshen and remove stains in any room – spray in the air and on surfaces in any room- leaves no scent behind- it permanently eliminates all existing odor and freshens to prevent odor build up
Additional information
Weight 2.2 lbs
Dimensions 3.25 × 3.25 × 11 in
Reviews (25)
25 reviews

25 reviews for Zero Odor Spray Stain Remover 32 Fluid Ounce

Clear filters
  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I started using this product because my wife doesn’t like flowery smells. This product does the job of eliminating orders and not adding any fragrances to the air.

  2. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Fortunately I had placed this refill order! Just two days after receiving I did something very dumb! I had placed some chocolate fudge topping in a small bowl in the microwave to melt it. Unbeknownst to me it burnt in just seconds. I opened the door and smoke bellows out of the microwave and immediately permeated the kitchen and surrounding area. It smelled like we had terrible smoke damage. I grabbed the zero odor that I had refilled and began spraying like there was no tomorrow. While it took a lot spraying, it worked. Had it not worked we would have had major smoke damage! Zero odor works!

  3. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have two cats and a MIL who likes extremely smelly food and strong perfumes. Unfortunately, I have chronic migraines, so these smells affect me keenly on a regular basis. I can’t use regular scented air fresheners because they’re just as bad for triggering head pain. This spray is essentially a reset button, and it has drastically increased my quality of life.

    It works best when sprayed up as high as possible (the mist then passes through the air below), every few feet that the smell exists.

    Two things to note: firstly, if the origin of the scent is still active (uncovered food or garbage etc), it will be less effective as the air will commingle and bring the scent back to you. Secondly, this is not 100% completely scentless once sprayed. When I catch the scent early, I do not smell the Zero Odor. But if my hyperosmia has kicked in, there is a faint “cleanser” smell, a bit like chlorine but less invasive. It also fades within 5-10 minutes or less.

    Overall, very worth it, I would recommend to anyone with hyperactive senses of smell.

  4. B. Platz (verified owner)

    Worked perfect took the odor away in minutes!! Great stuff!!

  5. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I share a room with a Terminal Cancer patient at a NYC Health & Rehabilitation Facility I affectionately call Half Dead. Nothing funny here so do not take this review lightly or with laughter. The smell that emits from Half Dead’s feces and intestinal gases every time nurses change his diaper (6 times per day / 3 times every night) is absolutely horrendous. Noxious, as if something dead or demonic lives inside of him. No exaggeration. I’ve never smelled anything close to this stench and lately Half Dead’s odor has become completely unbearable. The facility director did the typical thing. Because neither he nor any administrator are EVER present when Half Dead is being changed, & after my many complaints, he had the nerve to hand me a can of Glade Spray. Treating my inquiry like they do everything here. I told him sir, this can of Glade is NOT the solution. The odor over powered the Glade spray like a Tsunami swallows earth. Thank God for Zero Odor. After a few days of dispensing Half Dead’s horrendous odor is no match for Zero Odor. Thank you for this awesome product.

  6. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have been through WEEKS of memory foam mattress STENCH that just would not go away — I tried the natural remedies and finally resorted to Fabreze, which made things significantly worse.

    This particular cooling gel foam on top of the mattress has caused me to discard (donated) one new mattress and buy another, which also had the odor that would not dissipate or disappear. Since the second mattress was from a company I made a purchase of a smaller size a year ago and the off-gas smell went away in a few days, I realized that the problem is with this cool gel foam topper attached to the mattresses.

    After using Zero Odor the first time, the stench was significantly better. I actually had to spray the mattress 4 times in order to rid the excessive perfume of the Fabreze and the residue of the cool gel topper. I am finally able to sleep and so very GRATEFUL for this product. THANK YOU!

    I’ve already purchased 2 orders and have friends who’ve made purchases from my recommendation.

  7. **Jackal** (verified owner)

    This works!
    I didn’t notice any bleach smell as other reviews have mentioned.

  8. Jimmy (verified owner)

    I have an old guitar case that stunk to high heaven of smoke. This product got rid of that smell and left a fresh smell it’s absolutely amazing!!

  9. John III 50 (verified owner)

    My shoes were starting to smell ialthough they were not very old. I purchased some odor out but it has an odor itself i can’t stand. Nexr morning most of the foot odor was gone so i sprayed them again. Later in the day the foot odor was gone but the spray odor was terrible

  10. L. Lee (verified owner)

    With 3 rescue pups, working with potty issues is always an ongoing process. One room in particular seems to get the brunt of their attention. Cleaning the carpets and furniture never completely eliminate the odor that accumulates. I saw an Ad for ZeroOdor, read the reviews and liked the science. The order arrived just a few days later, so quick! I sprayed the offending room, carpet & furniture and IMMEDIATELY there was no scent. I closed the door and checked back that night – NO ODOR. It’s been 2 weeks and still, NO ODOR! My housecleaner noticed right away and was stunned. I am so happy with ZeroOdor, I sent starter kits to several family members. Along with the pet smells, ZeroOdor has eliminated so much anxiety from my life.

  11. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I realize this particular Zero Odor product isn’t advertised as a pet odor neutralizer, but it’s the only one l’ll ever use. My cat had a bladder infection and urinated outside of the litter box on the carpet. I tried to clean it out myself, but apparently it was still there. My other male cat decided to make that spot his own personal bathroom. No matter how many times I steam cleaned the carpet, he continued to use that area. I found the key to illuminating the issue. After cleaning and drying the area, I sprayed your product directly on it. He has stopped urinating there all together! I simply spray the area once in the morning and again in the evening. My other cat enjoys the light, fresh scent (which is only momentary before dissipating into the area) and actually rolls on the floor near the treated spot! I wish you made this in a carpet cleaning mixture (hint, hint)!

  12. Ranitiki (verified owner)

    I have a super sense of smell. This is NOT a good thing. Zero Odor is the only product that actually works as promised. It literally removes the odor. Gone. It is an incredible product that makes life more bearable. Thanks!

  13. CaliforniaMom72 (verified owner)

    This is used to clean my cat boxes, fishing coolers, pet odors, and so much more.

  14. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have been using Zero Odor for years now.
    My husband is a Navy Vietnam Veteran and got exposed to Chemicals in Vietnam and most smells would affect his “fixed drug reaction” by his eye and put him in a sneezing and coughing fit that would not quit and the coughing would trigger a migrane headache.
    This is one product I could use in the house, car, hotel rooms that did not cause him to get into a coughing and sneezing fit and this product did not affect his “fixed drug reaction” by his eye.
    We both agreed that “Zero Odor” is a great product.
    Thank you “Zero Odor” for continuing to make great products.

  15. BimboKay (verified owner)

    I bought this for the first time a few years ago after seeing a demo on QVC. We decant from the large refill into small spray bottles in a bathroom, a bedroom, and a kitchen. It’s the best!

  16. Rachael (verified owner)

    I decided to get this product to try because my usual odor eliminator brand was out of stock. It certainly does lessen the stench of built up orders enclosed (particularly under arm BO). However, I find that it still leaves the clothes with an odd corn chip smell.

  17. Scent Detection (verified owner)

    we are with a dog club where scent work (odor detection) is taught. Zero odor is talked about as the ultimate way to remove a target odor so an area can be re-worked with new hides for dog’s to search. Has to be good to convince these dogs that odor is NOT there anymore!

  18. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I’ve used the big bottle of Zero Odor for years around my house. My mom is now in assisted living/hospice and completely incontinent. She is kept clean, Depends changed, linens and clothing changed, but the smells linger in the air. The big bottle leaves droplets on the floor if you spray it in the air. This little one is perfect. Spray it in the air a couple of times after cleaning up, and the nursing home smell is gone. She is no longer embarrassed to have company in her room. Zero Odor has added to her emotional well-being at this difficult time.

  19. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have been using Zero Odor for many, many years. So long I don’t even remember how I found out about it but I bet it was by accident online. NOTHING else works as well, reliably and efficiently and I have probably tried, prior to discovering Zero Odor, every other product on the market. I am Not kidding.
    The real test for me was the urine soaked linen of an elderly neighbor who had dementia and uncontrollable continence. Her children could not remove that stink and had resorted to throwing away her daily soiled bedclothes and purchasing new sheet sets and comforters, (and mattresses!) Weekly! Unreal. I bought them a large container and they have been thanking me ever since. The poor woman passed away at least 15 years ago and they’re Still thanking me. I had an elderly cat who rarely made it to her litter box, poor thing, and started peeing wherever she was. The odor of cat urine is Impossible to disguise Or get rid of. Unless you use Zero Odor Multi-Purpose or Zero Odor Pet. Again, Unreal. I honestly wonder if they have wizards working in their laboratories, cause what the heck? This stuff Never Fails. It Handles every stinky thing you can think of: human and animal urine and feces, bathroom odors, kitchen odors, freaking Burnt garlic and onions! C’mon now. It is, Must be, Magic. Plain and simple. I have recommended this product to at least 50 people and purchased it as a gift for many others. ALL are amazed, astounded, impressed with a capital I.
    Odors are not masked, they are Destroyed. If you have an odor problem of Any kind and don’t buy this stuff you are certifiable.

  20. Mrs.M (verified owner)

    We had previously bought the 8oz spray bottle of Zero Odor at a pharmacy and were impressed with how well it did the job of eliminating odors in the bathroom. I liked the idea of putting this 16oz sprayer in there instead, figuring the bigger bottle would last longer, but we noticed it was leaving spots on the mirror whereas the smaller bottle never did. Apparently it sprays larger droplets than the smaller bottle.

    This 16oz sprayer would be better for using in the garage or basement or outside, but I wouldn’t recommend spraying it in the house (except maybe directly inside a garbage can when you change the bag) and probably not in a car either.

  21. J.A. (verified owner)

    I have been using Zero Odor for years and expect to keep on using it, as long as the product doesn’t change in any significant way. Exactly as described, it “scrubs” the air of unwelcome smells without leaving behind any scent of its own. Whether used for odors related to having 2 indoor cats (as we do), or for the smell of pipe/cigarette tobacco in a room – or any other smell you’d want to eliminate – this product does its job perfectly. This two-pack is not inexpensive, but it lasts a long time… Cost-effective in the long run, when used to refill one of the spray bottles. Highly recommended!

  22. Marilyn (verified owner)

    This is a wonderful product. It does exactly as it says it will do and that is eliminate orders not cover them up. I will be a customer for as long as there are odors in my house.

  23. B Hanson (verified owner)

    Started using Zero Odor when I was fostering kittens (hundreds by the time I retired ). It is a wonderful product for sanitizing cat boxes, accidents on floors and rugs, wouldn’t be without it.

  24. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have used Zero Odor products for Many years and will Never use anything else for any kind of malodorous situation I can imagine. Every other product we’ve tried for pet, bathroom and kitchen odors triggers my asthma. Immediately and devastatingly. And we’ve tried them All, especially the name brands. Zero Odor on the other hand absolutely Destroys any bad smells: in the air, on rugs & furniture and on fabrics, and leaves only a Very momentary mild bleach-like scent that is gone in seconds. Literally Seconds. And, that does not choke me up At All. Unreal. There is definitely some kind of molecular magic going on. Bottom line? It simply Works. It doesn’t cover up odors, it Removes them. Period.

  25. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I bought several bottles of this spray several years ago. Alas, in the last few years, since my husband has been retired and hated the scent of it, I haven’t been able to use it as often. Then yesterday, when he thought the house smelled from something we cooked, I saw him spraying it all over. I was amazed because I never used it when he was around. When I asked him about it, he said,”Well I still don’t like the smell but it doesn’t last very long, and this stuff is amazing! Will you buy some more; we’re getting low!” It goes to show that seeing is believing! Unlike other sprays, this one truly changes the molecules in the air, as it says. I can’t figure out any other reason why I can spray it once or twice to remove a foul odor, and it never comes back. It’s fantastic for garbage pails, wastebaskets, musty closets, and the list goes on. We also have two cats and it keeps the room where their litter box is, smelling clean.This is one product I cannot be without!

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.


Zero Odor is a patented technological breakthrough in stain removal and odor control. This patented formula reaches into fabrics to lift and remove everyday household stains, while also actively seeking out and bonding with unwanted odor molecules, permanently converting them into non-odor molecules. Zero Odor’s® smart technology actively seeks out bad odors, while ignoring the smell that we consider pleasant- because those molecules have a different signature. Zero Odor’s odor eliminator products contain a fragrance-free molecular technology that chemically and physically changes odor molecules to permanently become odorless. This product eliminates the toughest and most stubborn odors while leavings no unwanted fragrance behind. Zero Odor can be sprayed in the air or on surfaces, and is perfect for pet bedding, flooring, furniture, artificial turf, grass, crates, and much more. Zero Odor contains no enzymes, and works through a patented molecular bonding process in which Zero Odor renders odor molecules odorless. Despite its unparalleled effectiveness, Zero Odor is non-allergenic, non-toxic, and safe to use around people and pets.
  • No more stains – remove organic stains and odors caused by beverages, food, dirt, smoke, urine, feces, vomit, and blood- permanently remove the stain and the odor from pee accidents, marking and worse
  • Eliminate odors, don’t just cover them – Zero Odor does not mask or cover up odors with fragrances or perfumes
  • Safe – our multi-surface stain remover is non-toxic, non-allergenic, and biodegradable it’s safe to use on pet bedding, rugs, carpets, furniture linens, etc
  • Freshen and remove stains in any room – spray in the air and on surfaces in any room- leaves no scent behind- it permanently eliminates all existing odor and freshens to prevent odor build up

Customer Reviews

25 reviews

25 reviews for Zero Odor Spray Stain Remover 32 Fluid Ounce

Clear filters
  1. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I started using this product because my wife doesn’t like flowery smells. This product does the job of eliminating orders and not adding any fragrances to the air.

  2. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Fortunately I had placed this refill order! Just two days after receiving I did something very dumb! I had placed some chocolate fudge topping in a small bowl in the microwave to melt it. Unbeknownst to me it burnt in just seconds. I opened the door and smoke bellows out of the microwave and immediately permeated the kitchen and surrounding area. It smelled like we had terrible smoke damage. I grabbed the zero odor that I had refilled and began spraying like there was no tomorrow. While it took a lot spraying, it worked. Had it not worked we would have had major smoke damage! Zero odor works!

  3. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have two cats and a MIL who likes extremely smelly food and strong perfumes. Unfortunately, I have chronic migraines, so these smells affect me keenly on a regular basis. I can’t use regular scented air fresheners because they’re just as bad for triggering head pain. This spray is essentially a reset button, and it has drastically increased my quality of life.

    It works best when sprayed up as high as possible (the mist then passes through the air below), every few feet that the smell exists.

    Two things to note: firstly, if the origin of the scent is still active (uncovered food or garbage etc), it will be less effective as the air will commingle and bring the scent back to you. Secondly, this is not 100% completely scentless once sprayed. When I catch the scent early, I do not smell the Zero Odor. But if my hyperosmia has kicked in, there is a faint “cleanser” smell, a bit like chlorine but less invasive. It also fades within 5-10 minutes or less.

    Overall, very worth it, I would recommend to anyone with hyperactive senses of smell.

  4. B. Platz (verified owner)

    Worked perfect took the odor away in minutes!! Great stuff!!

  5. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I share a room with a Terminal Cancer patient at a NYC Health & Rehabilitation Facility I affectionately call Half Dead. Nothing funny here so do not take this review lightly or with laughter. The smell that emits from Half Dead’s feces and intestinal gases every time nurses change his diaper (6 times per day / 3 times every night) is absolutely horrendous. Noxious, as if something dead or demonic lives inside of him. No exaggeration. I’ve never smelled anything close to this stench and lately Half Dead’s odor has become completely unbearable. The facility director did the typical thing. Because neither he nor any administrator are EVER present when Half Dead is being changed, & after my many complaints, he had the nerve to hand me a can of Glade Spray. Treating my inquiry like they do everything here. I told him sir, this can of Glade is NOT the solution. The odor over powered the Glade spray like a Tsunami swallows earth. Thank God for Zero Odor. After a few days of dispensing Half Dead’s horrendous odor is no match for Zero Odor. Thank you for this awesome product.

  6. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have been through WEEKS of memory foam mattress STENCH that just would not go away — I tried the natural remedies and finally resorted to Fabreze, which made things significantly worse.

    This particular cooling gel foam on top of the mattress has caused me to discard (donated) one new mattress and buy another, which also had the odor that would not dissipate or disappear. Since the second mattress was from a company I made a purchase of a smaller size a year ago and the off-gas smell went away in a few days, I realized that the problem is with this cool gel foam topper attached to the mattresses.

    After using Zero Odor the first time, the stench was significantly better. I actually had to spray the mattress 4 times in order to rid the excessive perfume of the Fabreze and the residue of the cool gel topper. I am finally able to sleep and so very GRATEFUL for this product. THANK YOU!

    I’ve already purchased 2 orders and have friends who’ve made purchases from my recommendation.

  7. **Jackal** (verified owner)

    This works!
    I didn’t notice any bleach smell as other reviews have mentioned.

  8. Jimmy (verified owner)

    I have an old guitar case that stunk to high heaven of smoke. This product got rid of that smell and left a fresh smell it’s absolutely amazing!!

  9. John III 50 (verified owner)

    My shoes were starting to smell ialthough they were not very old. I purchased some odor out but it has an odor itself i can’t stand. Nexr morning most of the foot odor was gone so i sprayed them again. Later in the day the foot odor was gone but the spray odor was terrible

  10. L. Lee (verified owner)

    With 3 rescue pups, working with potty issues is always an ongoing process. One room in particular seems to get the brunt of their attention. Cleaning the carpets and furniture never completely eliminate the odor that accumulates. I saw an Ad for ZeroOdor, read the reviews and liked the science. The order arrived just a few days later, so quick! I sprayed the offending room, carpet & furniture and IMMEDIATELY there was no scent. I closed the door and checked back that night – NO ODOR. It’s been 2 weeks and still, NO ODOR! My housecleaner noticed right away and was stunned. I am so happy with ZeroOdor, I sent starter kits to several family members. Along with the pet smells, ZeroOdor has eliminated so much anxiety from my life.

  11. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I realize this particular Zero Odor product isn’t advertised as a pet odor neutralizer, but it’s the only one l’ll ever use. My cat had a bladder infection and urinated outside of the litter box on the carpet. I tried to clean it out myself, but apparently it was still there. My other male cat decided to make that spot his own personal bathroom. No matter how many times I steam cleaned the carpet, he continued to use that area. I found the key to illuminating the issue. After cleaning and drying the area, I sprayed your product directly on it. He has stopped urinating there all together! I simply spray the area once in the morning and again in the evening. My other cat enjoys the light, fresh scent (which is only momentary before dissipating into the area) and actually rolls on the floor near the treated spot! I wish you made this in a carpet cleaning mixture (hint, hint)!

  12. Ranitiki (verified owner)

    I have a super sense of smell. This is NOT a good thing. Zero Odor is the only product that actually works as promised. It literally removes the odor. Gone. It is an incredible product that makes life more bearable. Thanks!

  13. CaliforniaMom72 (verified owner)

    This is used to clean my cat boxes, fishing coolers, pet odors, and so much more.

  14. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have been using Zero Odor for years now.
    My husband is a Navy Vietnam Veteran and got exposed to Chemicals in Vietnam and most smells would affect his “fixed drug reaction” by his eye and put him in a sneezing and coughing fit that would not quit and the coughing would trigger a migrane headache.
    This is one product I could use in the house, car, hotel rooms that did not cause him to get into a coughing and sneezing fit and this product did not affect his “fixed drug reaction” by his eye.
    We both agreed that “Zero Odor” is a great product.
    Thank you “Zero Odor” for continuing to make great products.

  15. BimboKay (verified owner)

    I bought this for the first time a few years ago after seeing a demo on QVC. We decant from the large refill into small spray bottles in a bathroom, a bedroom, and a kitchen. It’s the best!

  16. Rachael (verified owner)

    I decided to get this product to try because my usual odor eliminator brand was out of stock. It certainly does lessen the stench of built up orders enclosed (particularly under arm BO). However, I find that it still leaves the clothes with an odd corn chip smell.

  17. Scent Detection (verified owner)

    we are with a dog club where scent work (odor detection) is taught. Zero odor is talked about as the ultimate way to remove a target odor so an area can be re-worked with new hides for dog’s to search. Has to be good to convince these dogs that odor is NOT there anymore!

  18. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I’ve used the big bottle of Zero Odor for years around my house. My mom is now in assisted living/hospice and completely incontinent. She is kept clean, Depends changed, linens and clothing changed, but the smells linger in the air. The big bottle leaves droplets on the floor if you spray it in the air. This little one is perfect. Spray it in the air a couple of times after cleaning up, and the nursing home smell is gone. She is no longer embarrassed to have company in her room. Zero Odor has added to her emotional well-being at this difficult time.

  19. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have been using Zero Odor for many, many years. So long I don’t even remember how I found out about it but I bet it was by accident online. NOTHING else works as well, reliably and efficiently and I have probably tried, prior to discovering Zero Odor, every other product on the market. I am Not kidding.
    The real test for me was the urine soaked linen of an elderly neighbor who had dementia and uncontrollable continence. Her children could not remove that stink and had resorted to throwing away her daily soiled bedclothes and purchasing new sheet sets and comforters, (and mattresses!) Weekly! Unreal. I bought them a large container and they have been thanking me ever since. The poor woman passed away at least 15 years ago and they’re Still thanking me. I had an elderly cat who rarely made it to her litter box, poor thing, and started peeing wherever she was. The odor of cat urine is Impossible to disguise Or get rid of. Unless you use Zero Odor Multi-Purpose or Zero Odor Pet. Again, Unreal. I honestly wonder if they have wizards working in their laboratories, cause what the heck? This stuff Never Fails. It Handles every stinky thing you can think of: human and animal urine and feces, bathroom odors, kitchen odors, freaking Burnt garlic and onions! C’mon now. It is, Must be, Magic. Plain and simple. I have recommended this product to at least 50 people and purchased it as a gift for many others. ALL are amazed, astounded, impressed with a capital I.
    Odors are not masked, they are Destroyed. If you have an odor problem of Any kind and don’t buy this stuff you are certifiable.

  20. Mrs.M (verified owner)

    We had previously bought the 8oz spray bottle of Zero Odor at a pharmacy and were impressed with how well it did the job of eliminating odors in the bathroom. I liked the idea of putting this 16oz sprayer in there instead, figuring the bigger bottle would last longer, but we noticed it was leaving spots on the mirror whereas the smaller bottle never did. Apparently it sprays larger droplets than the smaller bottle.

    This 16oz sprayer would be better for using in the garage or basement or outside, but I wouldn’t recommend spraying it in the house (except maybe directly inside a garbage can when you change the bag) and probably not in a car either.

  21. J.A. (verified owner)

    I have been using Zero Odor for years and expect to keep on using it, as long as the product doesn’t change in any significant way. Exactly as described, it “scrubs” the air of unwelcome smells without leaving behind any scent of its own. Whether used for odors related to having 2 indoor cats (as we do), or for the smell of pipe/cigarette tobacco in a room – or any other smell you’d want to eliminate – this product does its job perfectly. This two-pack is not inexpensive, but it lasts a long time… Cost-effective in the long run, when used to refill one of the spray bottles. Highly recommended!

  22. Marilyn (verified owner)

    This is a wonderful product. It does exactly as it says it will do and that is eliminate orders not cover them up. I will be a customer for as long as there are odors in my house.

  23. B Hanson (verified owner)

    Started using Zero Odor when I was fostering kittens (hundreds by the time I retired ). It is a wonderful product for sanitizing cat boxes, accidents on floors and rugs, wouldn’t be without it.

  24. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I have used Zero Odor products for Many years and will Never use anything else for any kind of malodorous situation I can imagine. Every other product we’ve tried for pet, bathroom and kitchen odors triggers my asthma. Immediately and devastatingly. And we’ve tried them All, especially the name brands. Zero Odor on the other hand absolutely Destroys any bad smells: in the air, on rugs & furniture and on fabrics, and leaves only a Very momentary mild bleach-like scent that is gone in seconds. Literally Seconds. And, that does not choke me up At All. Unreal. There is definitely some kind of molecular magic going on. Bottom line? It simply Works. It doesn’t cover up odors, it Removes them. Period.

  25. Anonymous (verified owner)

    I bought several bottles of this spray several years ago. Alas, in the last few years, since my husband has been retired and hated the scent of it, I haven’t been able to use it as often. Then yesterday, when he thought the house smelled from something we cooked, I saw him spraying it all over. I was amazed because I never used it when he was around. When I asked him about it, he said,”Well I still don’t like the smell but it doesn’t last very long, and this stuff is amazing! Will you buy some more; we’re getting low!” It goes to show that seeing is believing! Unlike other sprays, this one truly changes the molecules in the air, as it says. I can’t figure out any other reason why I can spray it once or twice to remove a foul odor, and it never comes back. It’s fantastic for garbage pails, wastebaskets, musty closets, and the list goes on. We also have two cats and it keeps the room where their litter box is, smelling clean.This is one product I cannot be without!

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.